Our East Timor Cycle Tour blog on Crazy Guy on a Bike: http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/bikingtimor2009
The ultimate cycle touring journal database, that our blog should actually be a part of instead of blogger: www.crazyguyonabike
Jan Boostra's website. Excellent info about cycle touring in South Korea. Email him for a free set of maps, road diary and GPS coordinates for cycling from Seoul to Busan:
deCadence cycling blog. These two have cycled in our crazy places. Their website is an amazing resource, especially their kilometre by kilometre guides to cycling through a number of Central Asian countries, including importantly Mongolia.
Equally crazy couple who went through Mongolia amongst a multitude of other remote and often volatile countries. Excellent blog. Again, a terrific resource:
Chris and Krystil's blog describing their two month journey through Mongolia on bicycles. We've been corresponding with Chris and he's been able to offer incredibly useful advice, also we used his geomapped pictures and google-earth route to make a GPS route of our own through Mongolia. http://sainyavaarai.blogspot.com/
Will's blog (it's in Korean): http://blog.naver.com/yisj00/120104791750
Couchsurfing: www .couchsurfing.com
A volunteer-based worldwide network connecting travelers with members of local communities, who offer free accommodation and/or advice.
Warmshowers: www.warmshowers.org
Warmshowers.org is a site for reciprocal hospitality for touring bicyclists
Custom Cycling Jerseys
Custom Cycling Jerseys. A site trying to help mend the relationship between cyclist and motorist.